Friday, October 19, 2012

What do you like about it?

My new interview pattern these days is turning out to be very interesting. The simple question is - "What do you like about it?". Tell me a technology / process and my question is simple - "Why do you like it?"

The important part here is "Why". You may have used a technology for many years and you are now an expert at "using" it. However in the process you should have developed opinions, hatred and / or love for the technology. You should be able to see the good and bad parts of the technology. You should be able to critique and defend the technology. This is very important as this shows that your thought process has evolved.

It is surprising to see how many candidates don't have a good answer to this. These are still good candidates who can get the work done but it does give an impression about someone.

1 comment:

  1. Great open-ended question to probe! Also asking "what are its limitations" can show if the person can be objective or is blindly in love w/it -

