Monday, August 20, 2012

get feature and scenario name with cucumber-jvm

cucumber-jvm does not provide an easy way to get the feature name, scenario name or the step that is being executed. I had to find a workaround for this. For reference it is listed here. I am using the mirage project that I created a while back that provides a few utility classes around reflection. The ReflectionUtils.getFieldInObject uses that.

I created an aspect and weaved the info.cukes:cucumber-junit jar file with the aspect.
 public aspect ReportFeatureScenarioStep {  
      pointcut running_feature() : execution(public *;  
      pointcut running_scenario() : execution(public *;  
      pointcut running_step() : execution(public * cucumber.junit.JUnitReporter.match(..));  
 // Not used. These are here for reference only  
 //     pointcut completing_feature() : execution(public *;  
 //     pointcut completing_scenario() : execution(public *;  
 //     pointcut completing_step() : execution(public * cucumber.junit.JUnitReporter.result(..));  
      before() : running_feature() {  
           ParentRunner pr = (ParentRunner) thisJoinPoint.getTarget();  
      before() : running_scenario() {  
           ParentRunner pr = (ParentRunner) thisJoinPoint.getTarget();  
      before() : running_step() {  
           StepDefinitionMatch m = (StepDefinitionMatch) thisJoinPoint.getArgs()[0];  
           Step step = (Step) ReflectionUtils.getFieldInObject(m, "step");  
           System.out.println(step.getKeyword() + " " + m.getStepName());  
 // Not used. These are here for reference only       
 //     after() : completing_feature() {  
 //          ParentRunner pr = (ParentRunner) thisJoinPoint.getTarget();  
 //          System.out.println("AFTER FEATURE : -->" + pr.getDescription() + "<--");  
 //     }  
 //     after() : completing_scenario() {  
 //          ParentRunner pr = (ParentRunner) thisJoinPoint.getTarget();  
 //          System.out.println("AFTER SCENARIO : -->" + pr.getDescription() + "<--");  
 //     }  
 //     after() : completing_step() {  
 //          System.out.println("AFTER STEP ");  
 //     }  

This aspect is weaved into the cucumber-junit by doing this:



  1. It worked well for me. The only thing I had to do was to change the compiler of the project to be the ajc (in IntelliJ).
    Thanks a lot!

  2. Glad I can help. It you used the Mirage library it is now hosted on maven central -

  3. Is there way to do this using Java and not with aspectJ?

  4. Since cucumber-jvm does not provide a way to hook into the calls I don't know of other ways to achieve this using Java.

  5. I am using eclipse. Why do I always get The artifact info.cukes:cucumber-junit referenced in aspectj plugin as dependencies and/or directories to weave, is not found the project dependencies -> [Help 1]

    I checked and in POM.xml the dependency is there.

    1. I got it. I was using the wrong scope on this jar.
