Saturday, March 28, 2009

Liferay 5.2.2

Liferay 5.2.2 was released in the end of Feb 09. Since then I have been playing and comparing it with 5.1.2. Here are the few things I think:
- Journal Content renamed to a more appropriate Web Content
- More support for google adsense and google gadgets
- Nicer and more intuitive looking Control Panel for all the admin portlets
- Database configuration is now using instead of ROOT.xml
- The deploy and data directories are now not in user home. Instead they are at the same level as tomcat server itself
- There is just one built in / prepackaged compary - 7cogs instead of 11 Liferay companies 5.1.2 had
- Larger zip file with tomcat 5.5 because it includes JRE now. (Well this will be a pro as well because now we dont have to worry about installing JDK on a machine that might not have root access)
- Build and startup takes a long time - as such it is a much heavy application now.
The cons list is not a big one and the pros are pretty good. I think however I will still stick with 5.1.2 and watch out for 5.3. The important change I would like to see is 5.3 being lighter weight and without its own JRE

Saturday, March 21, 2009